So when one of them came up to interrupt me teaching my younger class to tell me that she hit my car, I wasn't thinking of cupcakes and birthday candles. She said that she wanted me to come look at it & her facial expression was pretty grim. It didn't help that as I walked into the parking lot, the first thing that caught my eye was the MANGLED door of the car immediately next to mine.
But that really had nothing to do with what I was coming outside for.
They had taken my car keys & totally decked out my car while I taught my younger girls. I mean, these kids went to town - garland on my steering wheel, flowers, a banner, post-it notes describing me all over the windows & dash, and about 15 balloons floating around inside. It was by far one of the sweetest & most thoughtful things that someone has done for me, and I was totally blown away by how much thought and effort went into it.
And just when I thought the party was over, I went back upstairs to the studio to find the lights turned out & the rest of my girls ready to surprise me with a cookie cake, buffalo chicken dip & possibly the loudest noise makers of all time. Again, I was blown away by their thoughtfulness and generosity. I have always loved being a dance teacher, but this group of girls has really bonded with me over the past three years together. I'm very grateful I get to spend at least another 2 years with most of them since a majority are freshman & sophomores, but I really just feel lucky to have gotten to know them like I do.
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